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Classics Day Makes Triumphant Return!

The Latin and Greek students in grades 7-12 enjoyed a full day of exciting activities for our first in-person Classics Day since 2019! With comic entertainment, thoughtful debate, and delectable food, the celebration is a yearly reminder of the vibrancy of life in the ancient world.

The annual triumphal parade wowed the crowd with its celebration of music and a brand new chariot! Our Aloysius B. McCabe ’45 lecturer, Ava Shirazi, assistant professor of Classics at Haverford College, gave an engaging and interactive talk on what she called “Ancient Visions.”

"One of the best things Classicists do is reimage and re-enact what it was like in this ancient world," she said. "Seeing is as much a cultural experience as it is physiological. By looking back at the ancient world (objects and texts) we can try to reconstruct what it was like to see in antiquity."